
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021

The best concert of my life

“Every weird went to the concert of The big Telepata of Dublin, before half an hour We invaded the subway, I was forced and you in ecstasy”. So says my favorite song by my favorite band, “Love of Lesbian”, a song that I thought I could never hear live, but I did. It was the second time that LOL announced a concert in Santiago, I felt very bad, because the first time that  they came I could not go to the concert, but this time I did my best to go and so it was, luckily a girl who had won the tickets In a contest she could not go and decided to give her tickets away, I contacted her and I got it, that was how on November 19, 2016 I could to saw them live at the Chocolate club. We were few, but enough to make the atmosphere feel familiar, the lights went out and then Santi, the vocalist, came on stage, wearing his glass, hat and his characteristic hoarse voice, he began to sing and every word that came out of his mouth it was like a whisper to me. Saying what I felt is difficu

Germany, my big dream

Since I was in the school I felt the big curiosity to visit Germany, due to its huge history content, its always been a country that I feel apassionate.  When I started to study about first and second world war in the school, my attention was directed to the important of Germany in these two conflicts, being in first the great loser and in the second the great villain, and as after having lost everything in its defeat in 1945, today it is a power country, a benchmark of economy and culture worldwide. The most that I would like to know is Its culture, historical memory, gastronomy, and beautiful landscapes. Also, Walk through the streets of Munich and Berlin, walk through its mountains, visit the bars and taste its delicious beer, from the perspective of a tourist of course, due to the low temperatures would not make me want to stay a more stable time. Think about living or working there is not for me. I hope to meet Germany soon and could walk through its beautiful streets