
Travel to the future

I had never thought about traveling to the future, perhaps it is something that I did not want to know, I prefer that the future remains uncertain, that makes it more exciting. Sure, if I have the opportunity to travel to the future, I would, but of course where would I go? Maybe I would go find myself in 20 more years, to know if I could achieve everything I wanted, to know if I could fulfill my dreams and goals, if I could carry out everything I set out to do, I hope I have managed to live in another country, the one of my dreams, Germany perhaps, although with Spain I would settle, I want to see who I am going to become in 20 more years. By the way I would like to see how the world has changed in 20 more years, if everything that scientists have predicted came true, if there really was a zombie apocalypse or it was just conspiracy theories, if there was finally a woman president in the USA, if China finally surpassed the USA, if we can solve the environmental crisis and if they fina

My dram job

As a student of Industrial Design I would like to be able to have my own carpentry workshop, due to it is one of the things that I am most passionate about. The simple fact of imagining myself doing the projects that I like, working with the materials that I love to work, being my own boss and having my own time, are things that would make me feel professionally satisfied and very happy. I know that it is a difficult job, since you do not have a fixed salary, it depends on the projects that are carried out, but even so, it is what I dream of doing. However, to the fact that I would like to travel, learn new techniques, nurture myself with different styles of carpentry, be able to see the world and capture it in my projects, be capable to know about trends and innovations. All this love was born thanks to the career that I am studying, from the first time I took a tool and worked and a piece of wood I knew perfectly well that this was what I wanted to dedicate myself to, I knew that the

My bucket list

 For me, making a bucket list is honestly, something that I will never fulfill. I have done many, the typical one that is done on New Years or when I want to make an important change in my life, but there is only that, a list, words written on a paper that lose value with the passage of days. They are always the same promises, stop smoking, lose weight, exercise, eat healthier, get up earlier, etc., but I never manage to complete any of these goals, they are always half-done, either due to lack of time, lack of dedication, lack of motivation or simple laziness. What can I say? I am a person who finds it difficult to meet goals and follow a routine, it have to be something typical of Geminis. I remember once I had stopped smoking, it had been 8 months now, but it started to get colder, the jobs at the university increased and along with these I will also be increasing, and nicotine became necessary to be able to cope with all this. Today I smoke less and I try to eat a little healthier,

More than a children's movie

I consider myself a cinephile person, I have seen as many movies as I could. I observe from its script, photography and plans, to the characters and their development, but even with all this, my favorite film is a film considered "for children" “How to train your dragon” is a trilogy that managed to catch me from its first installment, and seeing how this whole story culminates in its third part was wonderful for me. From the wonderful animation, to the development and evolution of each of its characters, I love everything. Seeing how “Hiccup” (the main character) goes from being a nobody to the chief and savior of his town along with Toothless, the movie has been a journey full of emotions that has managed to enchant me. All the background of the story, the setting and the teaching it leaves you, I definitely love this movie. But I do not always tend to be so well attached to these types of films, and although I am one more person of series, recently I have seen Chilean film

The best concert of my life

“Every weird went to the concert of The big Telepata of Dublin, before half an hour We invaded the subway, I was forced and you in ecstasy”. So says my favorite song by my favorite band, “Love of Lesbian”, a song that I thought I could never hear live, but I did. It was the second time that LOL announced a concert in Santiago, I felt very bad, because the first time that  they came I could not go to the concert, but this time I did my best to go and so it was, luckily a girl who had won the tickets In a contest she could not go and decided to give her tickets away, I contacted her and I got it, that was how on November 19, 2016 I could to saw them live at the Chocolate club. We were few, but enough to make the atmosphere feel familiar, the lights went out and then Santi, the vocalist, came on stage, wearing his glass, hat and his characteristic hoarse voice, he began to sing and every word that came out of his mouth it was like a whisper to me. Saying what I felt is difficu

Germany, my big dream

Since I was in the school I felt the big curiosity to visit Germany, due to its huge history content, its always been a country that I feel apassionate.  When I started to study about first and second world war in the school, my attention was directed to the important of Germany in these two conflicts, being in first the great loser and in the second the great villain, and as after having lost everything in its defeat in 1945, today it is a power country, a benchmark of economy and culture worldwide. The most that I would like to know is Its culture, historical memory, gastronomy, and beautiful landscapes. Also, Walk through the streets of Munich and Berlin, walk through its mountains, visit the bars and taste its delicious beer, from the perspective of a tourist of course, due to the low temperatures would not make me want to stay a more stable time. Think about living or working there is not for me. I hope to meet Germany soon and could walk through its beautiful streets