My bucket list

 For me, making a bucket list is honestly, something that I will never fulfill. I have done many, the typical one that is done on New Years or when I want to make an important change in my life, but there is only that, a list, words written on a paper that lose value with the passage of days.

They are always the same promises, stop smoking, lose weight, exercise, eat healthier, get up earlier, etc., but I never manage to complete any of these goals, they are always half-done, either due to lack of time, lack of dedication, lack of motivation or simple laziness. What can I say? I am a person who finds it difficult to meet goals and follow a routine, it have to be something typical of Geminis.

I remember once I had stopped smoking, it had been 8 months now, but it started to get colder, the jobs at the university increased and along with these I will also be increasing, and nicotine became necessary to be able to cope with all this.

Today I smoke less and I try to eat a little healthier, doesn't that count?

Anyway, I hope one day to be able to achieve all these goals and to be able to share them with my family and friends, they would be too surprised if I achieve it hahaha.


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