Travel to the future

I had never thought about traveling to the future, perhaps it is something that I did not want to know, I prefer that the future remains uncertain, that makes it more exciting.

Sure, if I have the opportunity to travel to the future, I would, but of course where would I go? Maybe I would go find myself in 20 more years, to know if I could achieve everything I wanted, to know if I could fulfill my dreams and goals, if I could carry out everything I set out to do, I hope I have managed to live in another country, the one of my dreams, Germany perhaps, although with Spain I would settle, I want to see who I am going to become in 20 more years.

By the way I would like to see how the world has changed in 20 more years, if everything that scientists have predicted came true, if there really was a zombie apocalypse or it was just conspiracy theories, if there was finally a woman president in the USA, if China finally surpassed the USA, if we can solve the environmental crisis and if they finally manage to clone a woolly mammoth.

I don't know if I would stay, I'm not so sure, because knowing what the future is like but not knowing how it got there would be very boring for me, I prefer to go back to the present, live it and see how it got to that future, what are the obstacles that I must overcome and the paths that I must follow.


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